Sfb 288 Differential Geometry and Quantum Physics |
Preprints Archive
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(250) H. Baum:
Strictly pseudoconvex spin manifolds, Fefferman spaces and Lorentzian twistor spinors.
preprint250.ps.gz (145 kB)(249) J. C. A. Barata, F. Nill:
Dyonic Sectors and Intertwiner Connections in 2+1-dimensional Lattice Z_N-Higgs Models
preprint249.ps.gz (205 kB)(248) E. Akkermans, J. E. Avron, R. Narevich, R. Seiler:
Boundary Conditions for Bulk and Edge States in Quantum Hall Systems
preprint248.ps.gz (70 kB)(247) K. Mohnke:
On Fillings by Holomorphic Discs of the Levels of a Morse Function
preprint247.ps.gz (81 kB)(246) C. Binnenhei:
O_infty Realized on Bose Fock Space
preprint246.ps.gz (88 kB)(245) M. U. Schmidt,A. P. Veselov:
Elliptic Calogero Moser quantum problem and deformations of algebraic surfaces
preprint245.ps.gz (76 kB)(244) H. Baumgaertel, F. Lledo:
Superselection structures for C*-algebras with nontrivial center
No PostScript version available(243) A. Moroianu:
Complex Contact Structures and Spin^C Manifolds.
preprint243.ps.gz (70 kB)(242) A. Belavin, A.Fring:
On the Fermionic Quasi-particle Interpretation in Minimal Models of Conformal Field Theory
preprint242.ps.gz (47 kB)(241) A. Moroianu:
Parallel and Killing Spinors on $hbox{Spin}^c$ Manifolds.
preprint241.ps.gz (62 kB)(240) A. Moroianu:
On the Infinitesimal Isometries of Manifolds with Killing Spinors.
preprint240.ps.gz (59 kB)(239) U. Hertrich-Jeromin, T. Hoffmann, U. Pinkall:
A discrete version of the Darboux transform for isothermic surfaces
preprint239.ps.gz (850 kB)(238) A. G. Bytsko, V. Schomerus:
Vertex operators - From a Toy Model to Lattice Algebras
preprint238.ps.gz (197 kB)(237) J. Weber:
Relation between Morse theory of closed geodesics of $S^{1}$and symplectic Floer theory of $T^{*}S^{1}$
preprint237.ps.gz (92 kB)(236) H. Babujian, M. Karowski and A. Zapletal:
U(N) Matrix Difference Equations and a Nested Bethe Ansatz
preprint236.ps.gz (73 kB)(235) H. Babujian, M. Karowski, A. Zapletal:
SU(N) Matrix Difference Equations and a Nested Bethe Ansatz
preprint235.ps.gz (73 kB)(234) F. Nill:
On the Structure of Monodromy Algebras and Drinfeld Doubles
preprint234.ps.gz (91 kB)(233) M. Pflaum, M. Schottenloher:
Holomorphic deformation of Hopf algebras and applications to quantum groups
preprint233.ps.gz (165 kB)(232) A. Knauf, Y. G. Sinai:
Classical Nonintegrability, Quantum Chaos
preprint232.ps.gz (367 kB)(231) N. Kutz:
Free massive fermions inside the quantum discrete sine-Gordonmodel
preprint231.ps.gz (82 kB)(230) T. Schmitt:
The Cauchy Problem for Abstract Evolution Equations with Ghost and Fermion Degrees of Freedom
preprint230.ps.gz (147 kB)(229) J. Kellendonk:
Topological Equivalence of Tilings
preprint229.ps.gz (130 kB)(228) B. Schroer:
Motivations and Physical Aims of Algebraic QFT
No PostScript version available(227) B. Schroer:
Wigner Representation Theory of the Poincare Group, Localization, Statistics and the S-Matrix
preprint227.ps.gz (94 kB)(226) G. Haak:
On a theorem by do Carmo and Dajczer
preprint226.ps.gz (22 kB)(225) B.-D. Doerfel and St. Meissner:
Finite-size corrections of an integrable chain with alternating spins
preprint225.ps.gz (44 kB)(224) C. Figueira de Morisson Faria, A. Fring and R. Schrader:
On the Influence of Pulse Shapes on Ionization Probability
preprint224.ps.gz (62 kB)(223) J. Dorfmeister, G. Haak:
On constant mean curvature surfaces with periodic metric
preprint223.ps.gz (146 kB)(222) J. Brüning and M. Lesch:
On the eta-invariant of certain nonlocal boundary value problems
preprint222.ps.gz (109 kB)(221) J. Brüning:
The Signature Theorem for Manifolds with Metric Horns
No PostScript version available(220) W. Müller, M. U. Schmidt, R. Schrader:
Hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces of infinite genus and solutionsof the KdV equation
preprint220.ps.gz (112 kB)(219) A. Schmitt:
The Energy Function of the Skyrme model
preprint219.ps.gz (33 kB)(218) U. Eitner:
Schlesinger Transformations for Bonnet Surfaces
preprint218.ps.gz (44 kB)(217) P. Nurowski:
Twistor Bundles. Einstein Equations And Real Structures.
preprint217.ps.gz (137 kB)(216) M. Karowski, R. Schrader:
Invariants of 3-manifolds, Unitary representations of the mappingclass group and numerical calculations
preprint216.ps.gz (234 kB)(215) A.G.Bytsko:
Fusion of q-tensor operators: quasi-Hopf-algebraic pointof view
preprint215.ps.gz (84 kB)(214) H. Baum:
The Dirac operator on Lorentzian spin manifolds and the Huygensproperty
preprint214.ps.gz (85 kB)(213) V. Bach, J. Froehlich, I. Sigal:
Quantum Electrodynamics of Confined Non-Relativistic Particles
preprint213.ps.gz (349 kB)(212) H. Baum, I. Kath:
Normally hyperbolic operators, the Huygens property and conformal geometry
preprint212.ps.gz (188 kB)(211) K. Grosse-Brauckmann, K. Polthier:
Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces Derived from Delauney`s and Wente`s Examples
Visualization and Mathematics, Springer Verlag 1996
preprint211.ps.gz (7760 kB)(210) M. Luedde:
A cellular braid action and the Yang - Baxter equation
preprint210.ps.gz (48 kB)(209) C. Kreft, R. Seiler:
Models of the Hofstadter Type
preprint209.ps.gz (1319 kB)(208) V. Bach and J. Poelchau:
Hartree-Fock Gibbs States for the Hubbard Model
preprint208.ps.gz (98 kB)(207) V. M. Adamyan, H. Neidhardt:
On the absolutely continous subspace for non-selfadjoint operators
No PostScript version available(206) B. -D. Doerfel, St. Meissner:
Ground State Structure and Low Temperature Behaviour of an Integrable Chain with AlternatingSpins
preprint206.ps.gz (77 kB)(205) V. M. Adamyan, H. Neidhardt:
On the absolutely continous subspace for contractions and dissipative operators
No PostScript version available(204) W. Müller, M. Schmidt, R. Schrader:
Theta functions for infinite period matrices
preprint204.ps.gz (77 kB)(203) I. Kath:
$G_{2(2)}^*$-Structures on pseudo-Riemannian manifolds
preprint203.ps.gz (107 kB)(202) C. Binnenhei:
On The Even CAR Algebra
preprint202.ps.gz (23 kB)(201) A. Fring, V. Kostrykin and R. Schrader:
On the absence of bound-state stabilization through shortultra-intense fields
preprint201.ps.gz (87 kB)