Sfb 288 Differential Geometry and Quantum Physics |
Hierarchical Triangulations 2
1-dimensional Interpolation
Consider a 1-parameter family (e.g. time-dependent) of surfaces. We discretize the deformation by choosing keyframe surfaces at times (t1, t2,...., tn) and represent each keyframe as a hierarchical triangulation.We propose the following interpolation condition which will allow interpolation between differently refined keyframes:
All keyframes must have the same number of root nodes. Then interpolation at time t (ti <= t <= ti+1) is performed as follows:
- Compute the union S of the hierarchical triangulations S(ti ) and S(ti+1).
- Let (b1, b2) be the barycentric coordinates of t in the interval [ti , ti+1].
- For each leaf L of S
- Let L1, L2 be the corresponding leaves in S(ti ) and S(ti+1).
- L:=b1 L1 + b2L2
Author: Axel Friedrich, Konrad Polthier